So today is day 3

| Mar 10, 2012

I heard the 1st week is going to be the hardest, and the 3rd day is the hardest of the 1st week.

I'm on day 3. So far, it feels no difference from day 2.

Day 1 was alright, there were distractions, I was determined. I was determined not to complete the medication program. Not with the side effects. I was able to get past day 1 just fine.

Day 2 was tough. It was a challenge. I have work to distract me in the day. I have another distraction last night, alcohol. I was able to resist alcohol's best buddy after having 2 pints. I'm proud.

Bosses and my biggest customer heard the news during dinner. They were very supportive, yet afraid of the withdrawal I'll face. They advised me to check on my cough, with addition of some scary stories, which scared the fuck out of me.

I'm not turning back to you, 3 inch long, little poisonous demons.

I just hope, it's not too late.

I've not taken 1 in 36 hours, this is the 1st time in 8 years.
I would have 15-20 a in 24 hours, for the past 8 years.
In 2 hours, it will be 48 hours, I can't believe it has been 8 years.

Waking up to day 3 isn't bad, maybe not yet. Probably I woke up a little early. It's going to be a long day.

1 said hi:

moi~ said...

c'mon! u can do it! :D

be a man, do the right thing! :P

i assume you're trying to quit smoking. J is doin well...