Where do I start?
Looking back at the previous posts. It was all bunch of blatant bull crap, and it makes me wonder why Sharon still comes here! HAHA
Just a little update of myself from my previous post. I left Mattel in Feb 2010 and joined P&G the next month. Future looked pretty bright and felt the money was pretty good. Now, I'm not so sure. Money is not the motivation anymore.
Other than work, life has been pretty routine. There has been ups and downs. Mostly downs, especially for the past 6 months.
Can't really think of any upsides. Is it because we recall the downs more often than not so we learn from the mistakes? Do we make mistakes once and learn from it? Not exactly for me. I've made the same mistakes not once, not twice, but 3 times. The 'should haves', 'what-ifs', 'could haves', and of course, 'shouldn't haves' spring to mind. What's done is done, it has happened.
When it happens, you don't want to believe it. You will not know you had the best until you lose them. It was ignorance, arrogance, being self-absorb and too comfortable. Sometimes, you need a big slap in the face and sends you all the way to kingdom come to wake up from all of these. The slap always come late no? For my case, 1 came 2 days late, the other came 3 months after. Now, its just a specific kind of nausea, regret, guilt and disbelief. The mix of emotions is just too great.
There is no back to square 1. Not for you, not for her, not for him, not for me.
The only thing left to do now is to apologize and let time slip by.
3 said hi:
because i'm subscribed to you on google reader la....so whenever u post, it appears.
at least someone reads, right :P
haha, nampaknya only you read :(
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