I'm bored today and nothing to do. Been going through lots of changes be it work, relationship, or hang outs, diet and bah, overall, life.
Anyway, there has been some changes and company is restructuring so I was given a choice to change department. Still a commercial sales department but it's export. Seems like a challenge, and after thinking and thinking and discussing and "What would you do if you were me?" I've decided to take it. Hence, I'm going to Hong Kong end of this month for a internal toy fair.
Anyone want me to buy anything for them? Just drop me an sms or a msg via msn. Please do give me money in advance as I do not even have enough money to buy my own stuff. :P
Well, I would say I've seen it all. What I've seen? Meh, I'm not gonna say it out here as it might be hurtful or whatever to someone or in other words "terasa" la kan. But hey, "If you don't respect yourself, who's gonna respect you"
I often think back about what I've said and done. I think and sometimes I regret doing what I did regardless of my actions or what I should have said instead to make everyone comfortable, I aim to be a better person. They always say "Just be who you are and you don't have to care about others". Not in this case. Being who you are is just a comfort quote. It only makes you feel better.
People now look and judge you on your actions and the way you say things...You always told me I'm not good enough, I should do this and that, I should say this and that. In my opinion, you're not doing any better than me. In fact, I've lost lots of respect and faith in you for what you're doing, and what you've done. I tried to voice it out, you always think you're better, that is why I don't even care anymore.
I'll never ever point out your mistakes anymore. Coz to you, you've never ever ever ever made mistakes..
So, is it time to change? Maybe not, your ego has taken over your head!
Wa..I also don't know why I so emo. Grrr.. I'll go play with my toys now.. Laters! Before that, this post has nothing to do with my work. It's strictly my personal life. :)

7 said hi:
beneath all that calm and kuailan-ness, you're quite a thinker too!
we should care about what people think of us, etc....only because we should care if we carry ourselves with dignity and pride....and only because we strive to be a better person.
good post.
i bet all this is caused by your low carb diet
o ya good post btw. you can think! who would've thought! jajajaja!
tenkiu sharon!
Work: I think it's a good choice. I'll do the same if I were you. All the best.
I agree with Sharon and I think judging and being judged is part of human nature but until certain extent. * I think I know who you are talking about* Just be yourself and be comfortable of being who you are.
my lil bro is growing up! love n then hate n then calm, n then learn. hahah.. no one can control how u feel.. but u know wat, after everything, no one can take away wat u have lived. wat u have been thru. :) love u!!
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