Howdies homies!
Wa, that's like a crossbreed of Cowboy x Rappers from the hood yo!
It's kinda late now so I'mma do a quickie! As ya'll know. I got my new D90 about 2 weeks ago and was really excited. Thought I was gonna have so much fun messing around the features I didn't have with the D60. So, as a new electronic device, batteries have to be charged ~8 hours before 1st use which is what I did exactly. Took it out to The Curve to test it out. Went home, slept, wake up in the morning, BATTERY DRIED UP! WTH! Battery drainage they call it has occured in the D90 body. Which I couldn't google for any sort of solution.
I thought the battery was faulty. Went back to change and got a new battery right away. Charged it for 8 hours, put it in the body, went to bed. Wake up in the morning. Battery dried up again! Holy cow! Went to Nikon Service Centre on Friday. They were already closing and I needed the camera for the weekend. They were not able to figure out the problem right away as this is the 1st ever D90 that has a Battery Drainage problem. Previous model that had this problem was a particular batch of the D200 model. So anyway, I told them I need to use that camera the next day and they were not able to give me an equivalent loan model. I insisted that it was only a week old and I have to have a D90 for the next day. I elevated that problem to the Marketing department then only this nice guy was able to loan me another D90 from his department. So I went home a satisfied customer, with the service, not the unluckiness of the factory defect unit. =/
I needed the camera for a company event and Rosewood Avenue. Company event was a "treasure hunt" and I was one of the "marshall" w00t! So I was able to run around and take pictures of people! haha!

It was a very productive weekend as I woke up 730 and left home at 8 on both Saturday and Sunday. What did we do on Sunday?
It was our project Rosewood Avenue. What's that again? Click on the hyperlink to ch-ch-ch-check it out.
We're selling some cool, and unique t-shirts online. It's unique. How? All of them images has a story to tell. Be it a one-liner or or a whole novel. It says something meaningful. Currently we only have a handful of designs. But we'll have more in the future! I'll keep you guys updated!
So we went around KL to take some pictures of ourselves as models. It was the 1st time we're modelling and "serious" posing in front of the camera, we're a tad too stiff lol. And most of them are kind of "emo-ish" or has that "sentimental" feel. Hmm. Will try out other stuff next time ..
Anyways, I've picked out some nice pictures to be posted here. But do check out RosewoodAvenue and grab yourself a Tee now!!
Alright. Laters!
2 said hi:
don't bluff
tshirts all no meaning also
er coming from you. its too easy to counter attack.
you're just freaking blind..
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