So, I'm Mr. Hypocrite

| Nov 21, 2008


1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.

I said "What's so nice about smoking?"
I'm smoking almost 2 packs in 3 days

I said "Fuck gym, I wanna stay fat"
I'm hitting Pushmore almost everyday

I called Nic WH4.

I'd say I'm the biggest 1 you'll ever see. I talk so shits about things so loud and later on get myself involve in it! haha! I have to admit this and I promise I'll do it less! *seriously*

Does anyone here believe they are not a little bit of a hypocrite at all? Or will you all agree with me that it is "pre-programmed" in our systems. Would you stand and believe that "Hey, look, I'm 0% hypocrite unlike you, Ken, you fucking twat!" ?

Hm. Time to think back eh? You twats just like me!

4 said hi:

Nic said...

here's the difference:
you're a bigger twat

Rileen Aya said...

everybody's a hypocrite at one point. see who more chronic only.

but regardless of everything else,

nic paling WH4 ITWT

Hi I'm ken. said...

how to gauge who's a bigger hypocrite?

i'm a bigger twat of course la.

Nic said...

i feel farty