After some confusing calculations, total bill I NEED to pay just so that I can survive is RM650. That's only rental, phone bill, and credit card. Thank goodness, I don't really spend too much on petrol. But that's not the case for food. We sometimes have expensive lunch. That's 1 thing I don't like to go out for lunch. I'll settle for a 5 bucks lunch downstairs at the cafeteria anytime.
Economy is being a cunt!

So, I seriously need Financial Management
rantings by
Hi I'm ken.
Nov 10, 2008
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11 said hi:
RM850 for car and rent not including credit card bills and etc. GG. I've been eating RM1.20 lunch ever since. hahaha. tapau fried mee/hoon/rice or nasi lemak in the morning then eat them for lunch! then i spam rm5.80/18sticks ciggy.
And also thank god for duty free cigarettes!!
quit smoking.
a small relief to your financial woes.
Okay =/
oh... pall mall having promo now. RM5.80/20 sticks pack. w00t! SPAM!!!!
*SPAZ* (all of u!)
quit smoking also quit drinking. lolololol
Learn how to cook!
cooking at home do not save you that much if you're only cooking for a person or two. let's just say fried rice.
fried rice for 2 would cost around RM5 for cooked rice bought from shop, meat and beans/mushroom/veg. cheaper if you cook your own rice. not including the other stuff u need to get such as oil, wok, garlic, rice cooker, stove, the hassle of preparing and cleaning, etc.
u could probably get fried rice for RM10 for 2 person outside.
bla bla bla
so yeah, unless u cook everyday, u wont be able to save a significant amount.
That's why ler. Cook everyday! Or cook for 1 whole week and store in the freezer and eat chow fan for the whole week.
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