Wow, first post since dinosaur extinction!
Mistakes. People make mistakes right? I make a lot of mistakes. Mistakes that hurt, annoy, irritate, sadden, fucked up people's lifes. What I've done and what I've said, I've regretted it. I usually think again, "Why must I say that? Don't I have nicer things to say? Why is my stupidity always strikes at the wrong time?"
I tried to be careful everytime before I say these things which are mistakes. But somehow or rather, it happens once in a while. Well, I admit, I usually say things that make people angry. They get so angry that they usually sound me or fuck me upside down. That's when I start to think.
Do people say things that make me angry or annoyed or hurt? Of course they do. BUT, I don't take it seriously. It's not that I laugh it off or anything, but I think about what they've done, how long have we been friends. Is it worth to be angry or start a fight over some carelessness or misconception? Definitely not. So I just keep it and it will go off soon after. This is why.
Wow, emo giler WEH!
Ok, let's move on. I came back to Malacca from SG because I can't really adapt to that place. I don't know how to explain it, but I just don't feel that I belong there. I still have plans to have a career there, maybe later.
An advice from someone and I really appreciate it.
"If you want to succeed, you have to forgo your short-term goals, and aim for your long-term goals. If you do not achieve your long-term goal, when you're old, you're nobody".
But, if I don't have you, I'm nobody too. I love you.

rantings by
Hi I'm ken.
Nov 22, 2007
| Labels: thoughts
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