| Mar 24, 2012

So, he’s all grown up now

As he grows older, the more worried I get.

He will be turning 18 next week, and will be relocating to Sunway. He has always been the most loved. No, I’m not jealous. It’s only natural as he’s the youngest, smartest, and the most non-rebellious among the 3 of us. My sister has got into more trouble with my parents than him.

Looking at his Facebook pictures of him nonchalantly holding a bottle of Bacardi in clubs makes me wonder if he knows what he is doing. The crowd he is mixing with. The trouble he could get into, especially in Malacca.

Yes, I’m worried about my little brother, wonder if he drinks and drive, if his friends drink and drive, if some douche finds fault with the, and the list goes on.

This thought came about when I was in the same table with a younger bunch. They were having fun. There’s a fine line between having fun, getting bashed and bounced out. I was the oldest there, and being the most sober, I felt responsible to make sure they chill the fuck out. And so I did, I asked them to chill the fuck out.

And I wonder, does he party like that too? Does he know the consequence?

All I can do is tell him how dangerous it is, how it will end up, and what I’ve seen.

Then, it hit me I knew all these because I party and drank so much more. I drink then drive then sleep, till the point that I don’t really get hangover unless I was pissed – repeat for almost every week. Even on weekdays. My mum must have been shit worried about me. I’ve been lucky so far. I vaguely remember some rather kancheong moments. Sometimes, I don’t even remember anything. I’ve been lucky…so far.

There will be a time when we run out of luck.