So, Ms. Balance, where are you?

| Oct 14, 2009

What motivates you every morning? Is it smell of fresh air? Is it picking up where you left off at work last night? Is it the “ka-ching” you’re going to bring back from that every same time of the month so you can go on and save up for your planned holidays or that watch you’ve been eye-ing for so long? Of course. Who doesn’t? But what I’m talking about here is from a day to day basis.

Do you wake up and already have your day planned awesomely and finishing it off with an epic dinner? I find it difficult to get out of bed these days. No, not the sore from Pushmore. It’s about the uncanny feeling of not knowing what I’m going to do. I know what I have to do.

It must be my capacity, efficiency as well as prioritizing problem. :( . Also, I look forward to wrong things at work. I look forward to saying good morning to you and you. I look forward to have lunch with you, you, you, you, you and you. That’s when I literally come alive.
“Ken! Prioritize!” I’d say to myself every time I come out from the emergency staircase after my breaks.

But hey, I still do my job, sometimes it’s just that, I’ll drift off easily, do another thing that came up “urgent” and lose focus, hence delaying what I’m supposed to do. It’s like as though the 1st task was not urgent enough. -___- . Need to stay focus!! >=/

Talking bout motivation, and prioritizing, I get very well motivated at Pushmore. Prioritizing issue here. I’ll pump my every single last breath to the floor when I’m there. No motivation or focus issue there. Only prioritizing. I can see how much I have improved since I first join.

Back in July

2 days back, I added 4 rounds!

When I first joined last year, I couldn’t even achieve a single chin up with assistance. Now, I’m pulling myself 90 times plus 90 ring dips in less than 30 minutes. And pulling of extra 4 minutes in Chelsea. (self explanatory in images below). 12 rounds is not a very good time, but improvement is essential. This is where I feel alive.

I can’t say I’ll do the same at work. I’ll do my job, sometimes, have the initiative to do better, sometimes, just do as what it is presented. Sigh.

I need to find the balance!! Where are you Ms. Balance?!

4 said hi:

moi~ said...

why is balance a "Ms."?

Hi I'm ken. said...

If i were looking for Mr. I'll sound a bit too gay ma. Eh wait, not a bit. Very...queer

Jules said...

Queer eye for the straight guy

gwen said...
