I bet you saw it coming Jerm! HAHAQQ.
Anyway the movie, Green Street Hooligan, is about football hooliganism in England. Matt (played by Elijah Wood a.k.a Frodo Baggins) was dropped out of Harvard in a journalism course and went on to London to seek for his sister's help.
He later met a group of West Ham United supporters, who calls themselves GSE (Green Street Elite). Being a goodie boy himself, Matt has never ever involved in a fight and has found joy of beating up supporters, or hooligans of other football clubs.
Soon found himself accepted by the "community" as they not many English wants any Yanks around them. And the story goes on from there. After watching this movie, you feel like puching some shit out of somebody.
I highly recommend this movie to anyone, except haemophobics. Hehe. And for girls definitely would love this movie because of Charlie Hunnam. Never heard of him? Google it then.

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