It's funny when I first heard the news yesterday. Okay, if you haven't heard or do not know what I'm talking about. It's about the UiTM students who went on a parade/demonstration against the proposal to open UiTM to non-bumi students.
It's funny because,
1. Does any non-bumis want to further their education there? Okay, maybe those who are in really hardcore financial problem. No matter hardcore poor they are, I doubt they will survive a month in there. The current students will make it hell for them from the 1st day, if the proposal were to be approved.
2. I went on to read some discussion and there was an opinion about who's gonna employ/hire/recruit this batch of students knowing they are those involved in this rally? My answer is. THE GOVERNMENT LA. DIU, WHO SOMEMORE!
3. Because they call it, THE BLACK PARADE!!!!
When I was, a young boy...
After reading some reviews on dSLR, I'll scrap the idea of the Nikon D40 from my wishlist. Because...

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