So, erm, yea.

| Jul 4, 2008

Didn't sleep last night.

What he said, got me thinking, the whole night.

Am I doing what I wanted to do?
Do I know where I'm heading?
Do I know who I want to be?
Do I have any fucking idea, why am I even here?


I don't even know who I am after repeatedly questioning myself.
How am I supposed to know the answers to the questions.
I don't know where am I heading to at this moment.
I have no fucking idea, at all.
I don't know what am I gonna do next.
I don't have a plan.
I don't have no clue where am I gonna advance from Mattel.
I seriously have no clue, seriously...

And I know no one can help me except myself.


6 said hi:

Anonymous said...

Am I doing what I wanted to do? / Do I know who I want to be?
you're working, aren't you? you're making a living, earning cold hard cash, supporting yourself, and all that yadda yadda.
so you can't say that you don't know what you're doing, because you're already doing SOMETHING.
Some people take a long time to know what they want in life, some people don't. it's not a matter of peer pressure to get you thinking of what you need to be doing. as often as not, you'll come to the realisation one day that "yes, this is what i want to do", but it doesn't necessarily mean RIGHT NOW. the more you spend your waking minutes thinking of it, the more you'll only confuse yourself. you've just started working, starting to build your life around yourself. chill la, you're only 23. you have many years to plan what you want/need in life. things don't happen overnight.
unless it's the first prize in the lottery.

Do I know where I'm heading?
Do you think your entire life's career path will open up to you in one moment, like an epiphany?
As you know, you've just started in the working life. you'll job hop, until you find that one job that makes you go "OOH THIS IS NICE", and you start from there. it could be Mattell, it could be somewhere else, but eventually you'll get there, i'm sure of it.
unless, of course, if you win the lottery.

Do I have any fucking idea, why am I even here?
Cos you don't want to stay near friends, but choose to stay in Cheras, land of ahbengs and ah lians. at least you've now seen the light and moving to d'sara, where the cool people live. well, actually where the only cool guy named jerm lives. my coolness will rub off onto you, don't worry.

ps. share some lottery winnings with me pls.

Anonymous said...

i agree with jeremy on everything and i've given u my input this morning.

just amend the last part :
"well, actually where the only cool guy named jerm lives."

change to :
"well, actually where the only cool couple - jerm & sharon lives."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

dont worry lah ken. jerm sudah tua. he's the best role model. i love you jerm

Anonymous said...

cipet u wernie.

Hi I'm ken. said...

i love you wernie, lets gostan