So, how retarded is Nic?

| Jun 11, 2008

In a related topic to Jules post here.

This pretty much sums a retarded bro and best friend.


6 said hi:

Anonymous said...

why use a demeaning and hurtful word like retarded? bet you wouldn't like to be called a racial slur, right? People with special needs are hurt when you use the word retarded. Please don't use it.

Hi I'm ken. said...

yeah, i think my "special" friend here needs some help. Can you help him?

And oh, he's retarded.

Anonymous said...


retard is racial? i didnt know 'special' people were a race of their own?

seems like you're even more racial than the rest!

jeng jeng jengggggggggg!

Anonymous said...

and ken's a frickin ah beng if i ever knew one. THAT's racial!

Nic said...


Jules said...

nic's a retard and he's accepted it whole heartedly.

so its really ok.

don't worry Hannah J, we use the right words towards the right people.

like ken is an ah beng