Tagged by Eva.

| May 5, 2008

The Rules
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. List eight (8) random facts about yourself.

- Used to hate everything. Was a punk poser during my younger days.

- Had an awesome mohawk.Photobucket

- Now listens to most genres of music.

- Hates going back to Malacca knowing I'll hate it even more coming back to KL.

- Still hate people who talks with accent/slang yang melampau giler bimbo faggotish crap and fail Paris Hilton wannabe. Photobucket

- Part of me said "WTF YOU NOOB, look what you've just said!"

- Part of me said, "Well done, finally you did it." When I said something I'm still not sure I'm supposed to say.

- I hate Japanese food!

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