It's Coming!

| Oct 17, 2007

The day I'll leave the historical town where I grew up. I can still remember the first day when I went to that school in Standard 2. The first guy who talked to me, was none other than Matthew. Later, I got to know Nic who always influence me to skip chinese class and go to Mahkota Parade. Styne when we played chap teh before taekwon-do lessons. Much much later, I met Julian. People call him Wang Lee Hom. I call him Julian! We were in a band. And nope, we weren't rich and famous.

Ladies and gentleman, The Red Headed Cigars!

We're weird!

One of the performance at some hotel for some prom night

Nic "WH4" Cheong - Vocals, Rythm

Julian "muskleman" Chow - Lead

Styne "theupcomingcomedian" Ang - Backup Vocals, Rythm

Matt "rustyhair" Chee - Drums

Ken "can'tsingforshit" Lim - Bass

Why do I look like this in this picture? oh damn!

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Covering songs from My Chemical Romance, Story Of The Year, Yellowcard, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, and many others pop-punk-rock-emo genre. Well, those were the days and did truly enjoy every minute of the time spent together as a band, and as friends.

There's this guy. He's weird, very weird. He's fat too! He's beyond words to describe.

Aaron "wannaseemyyam?" Lim

p.s : Julian. Thanks for drinking that bottle of beer despite your principles for me! Appreciate it.

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